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Wednesday, August 29, 2018


It is wise to have Good Policy On Our Social Media Platform. . As it deals with people's network wider than we think. . For me, My #Social #Network is not just reaching few part of my social #communities related to #friends, #school-mates, #neighborhood, #Play-mates, #families, #relatives but wider than that, a colleagues of #Career networks, business-relations, clients and customers, Communities industries I Engaged. . I can not just satisfy the lust or tension of emotion, posting the wall with the instantaneous pictures or statements reflecting the momentary emotional feelings at one community networks compare to the overall networks I owned. . It includes but not limited to WhatsApp or any Communication apps Status has many kinds of Audience, which not only engaged to small part of communities. . And After all, Social Media propaganda and/or every Technology of Communication/Social Media is created and design for a good purpose in life. . Moreover, we are created in this world not to bring bad influence to others, but on the contrary. . Fastabiqul Khoirot ! Come 'on ! via Instagram

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