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Thursday, July 5, 2018

Justice for teenagers from Paniai, Papua - Indonesia dalam topik Internasional

Kemarin Pagi, sebuah surat masuk dalam inbox email, dengan topik Judul yang sangat menarik, karena tentang Indonesia. Bangsa dan Negara, yang aku cintai. Aku tertegun dan terdiam, sampai dengan saat ini aku masih memikirkannya.

Suratnya berbunyi seperti ini :

Dear Selvi,

On eight December 2014, Alpius Youw (18) and three of his teenage friends – Yulianus Yeimo, Apinus Gobay, Simon Degei – were shot dead by Indonesian security forces in Paniai, Papua. Their dreams were shattered at such a young age.

The Indonesian Government must properly investigate this brutality and bring the perpetrator to justice.

This year, the Paniai case is entering its fourth anniversary. However, there has been very little progress. This is just one out of 69 cases of unlawful killing in the last 8 years in Papua in which Indonesian security personnel were involved. The perpetrators of the Paniai’s case are still living freely.

President Jokowi has promised to resolve the case. He only has few months before his term as President is over as election is to be held next year. We can’t afford to wait any longer.
We need to remind him to fulfil his promise in bringing the perpetrators to justice and ensuring the victims’ families are supported.

This all started when a police officer took an offence after being reminded by a group of Papuan teenagers to turn on his vehicle’s lights on the Christmas eve.

He then came back with his colleagues to beat up the kids. When the local community held a peaceful protest the next day near the police station, the security forces opened fire at the protesters, killing the four young Papuan boys.

The government must investigate the Paniai’s case and legally process the perpetrators so that no more lives are wasted.

Many thanks
Puri Kencana Putri - Campaign Manager
Amnesty International Indonesia

Aku ingin berbagi untuk bisa memberikan keperdulian kepada permasalahan-permasalahan seperti ini, human rights, bukan hanya pada kasus ini tapi segala hal terkait pelanggaran Hak Asasi masih banyak sekali terjadi di bumi nusantara, bukan hanya terkait dengan lembaga tapi dari setiap diri kita, individu=individu yang harus memulai kesadaran akan hak asasi manusia, dari kelompok terkecil sekalipun.

Kelompok-kelompok kecil, yang akan menjadi pergerakan budaya penghormatan hak asasi yang secara kolektif akan bangkit di muka bumi pertiwi, Indonesia. 

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