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Monday, December 10, 2018


Untuk rekan rekan di Industri Asuransi... . Training : Bedah Polis dan Klaim CEAR (UNDERSTANDING THE CAR/EAR POLICY) (coverage, underwriting issues, common claim triggers and current market development) Hari : Rabu-Kamis, 19-20 Desember 2018 Pukul : 08.30 – 17.00 Venue : YELLO Hotel Manggarai, Jakarta Facilitator: SUNANTA GUNAWAN, Chartered Loss Adjuster, Ir Civil Eng, ACII, ACLA, ANZIIF (Snr Assoc) CIP Syllabus dan Formulir Pendafaran terlampir Terima Kasih Vivi Sulastri A.S., S.Pd, ANZIIF (Aff) CIP Jakarta Institute of Business and Management is a registered trade mark (R) Managed by PT JAKARTA BISNIS MANAJEMEN Satrio Tower, 6/F Unit 1 Jalan Prof Dr Satrio Kav C.4 Mega Kuningan Jakarta 12950 Tel +6281381408001 (WA) email: jii@theinstitute.co.id  or  jii.institute@gmail.com theinstitute.co.id via Instagram

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