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Sunday, April 8, 2018

What is my actual profession ?

Let us start! A story of what  my profession is.

I come to this stage not just by blinking my eyes and speaks out the magic spells.  Lol.  But it is true! 😀.

I went to an ordinary government school from elementary to senior high,  with an average score as an ordinary students can get.

Grew up in the family who have low to midle class of economic situation,  with many siblings grew up together.

Graduated from my senior high,  i chose to continue to work in a clerical position in order to save some money to continue my studies.  Glad,  i could  finally finished my S1 degree majoring in economy while i was working in one of insurance brokers and consultants in south Jakarta.

Focusing to my career in Insurance Industry,  i was scholared by the company to take an Insurance Brokers education in three stage of level,  AAPAI (middle expert of Indonesian Insurance Brokers), APAI ( Indonesian Insurance Brokers Expert), CIIB (certified Indonesian Insurance and Reinsurance Brokers) as all of my Professional Degree in Insurance industry. 

In 2009, i decided to leave my career,  and started my own business in order to give spaces of my challenge needs,  and give my self a try to handle business. 

By the end of Dec 2017 i took my Asia Pacific tittle as ANZIIF (Senior Assoc.) CIP.

During all those struggling times of work in career, or running my own business,  i learned some lots of lesson those i cant get in a formal education,  but by facing all the "storms".

And it indeed change me as i am sure to get more improvements not just for a career,  business but the entire life which make me never have any doubt to live this life,  never be afraid of facing my own fears.

I learn many things a lot,  my self. My dad,  is my role model,  i can do things which i never take the course in school.  Many things.

Some friends often question me,  what are you doing actually?

Would you please answer their question for me?

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